That's it.... just a plain black square. Our family lost a very dear friend to cancer this evening. I had made a few cards today that I intended to upload tonight but it's now furthest from my mind, so it's just a black square. This man was the absolute very nicest man you could ever hope to meet, let alone call a friend. Just one of those people that you're very lucky to have known... you know what I mean? Always kind and good to everyone, always there to help, always giving more than he got. And it's completely and utterly unfair that his life is over at age 55. And he leaves behind a wonderful family... a wife, 3 awesome kids, a daughter-in-law, 2 beautiful grandchildren, brothers, his mother, nieces and nephews and a ton of people that we so lucky to have had him touch our lives. If you are so inclined, please include the Lantz family in your prayers. And remember to let everyone in your life know how much they mean to you! Say "I love you" until you can't say it anymore!
how very lucky you were to have met and loved someone so special and REALIZED it. you have been blessed in many ways. many people don't realize until it's too late. your family is in my prayers as are his family members. continue his spirit, continue his life. maybe change the black to white, he's resting in Jesus' arms. and if he is anything like you expressed, he is in the light.
God Bless
Tammy, I'm so sorry for your loss. prayers and hugs to you and the family.
You and yours are in my heart at this time...
I am so sorry for the loss of your dear friend.
Sending you lots of love again today :)
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