
Friday, August 26, 2011

Bellarific Friday Sketch

It's Bellarific Friday once again, and today Cathabella has a sketch for us! Hopefully you got a card made this past week using the sketch and sent it to Emily, so we can see it in the line-up on the Blogabella!

For my card, I was sifting through my stamps and came across Daydreamabella, and it struck me that she was the perfect image to use.... if I turned the sketch upside down! So that's what I did! :) (And you thought I had too much wine or something when you saw it above, right?)

The papers I used here are the new Boarding Pass from October Afternoon, and they're available in the Stamping Bella store! My Bella is colored with Copics on Bella's Bestest Cream cardstock.

I hope you'll stop over at Blogabella and check out all the sketch cards from the Babes, and the Bella Sistahood! And if you didn't get a chance to join us this week, how about trying for next week? Ya' know anyone who participates is in the running to win some major Bella Bucks to spend in the online store! AND just for leaving a comment on the Bellarific Friday post at Blogabella you can ALSO win some Bella Bucks! Just for leavin' a comment! How easy is that? So if you want to join us next week, we're doing a Back-to-School theme! Create a card, and email it to Emily before Thursday evening to be included in the line-up!
Happy stamping!


  1. Oh that is so funny how you flipped the sketch on the diagram too!! LOVE your card

  2. Fun card Tammy! Love that you flipped the sketch to suit your image.

  3. Oh my gosh, that is TOO funny!! I the sketch and thought, oooh, she's put that on there upside down...but you didn't! It's brilliant - lovely card!!

  4. This is just fabulous Tammy!! Love your card!! xx

  5. What a fun and cheery card. Gotta love that little kitty laying on the floor. (Only a cat lover would pick that out).
    Had to chuckle at how you flipped the sketch on your post too. I seriously thought at first that you got it upside down by mistake.

  6. Ackkk I totally thought you had gone off the deep end and then I saw your card...Girlfriend, no wonder you're a Dirty Girl...It's so creative! This is why I love sketches...they are starting points and it's fun to see where everyone goes with it. Love this!

  7. What a fabulous card!! Love all the bright and cheery colors.

  8. Adorable! Great idea to flip the sketch!

  9. You clever woman you, love the way you flipped the sketch and your card is absolutely the best !!!


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