
Sunday, October 21, 2007

A new adventure!

Check out that great logo on the right side of my page! Yep, I'm officially a Design Team member for the Kitchen Sink Stamps... dubbed the Kitchen Sink Crew! I'm thrilled, excited, nervous and just plain happy (Stamp Happy!) to be given this honor by Maria! It's really neat to be a part of all this, and to kind of be helping Maria get her company really off the ground! There are some great new holiday sets due to be released soon, and you'll love them all! Maria has got some wonderful ideas, and is such a great artist! Be sure to check out the website for the store and idea gallery ( and check out the Design Team announcement on her blog ( to see the other wonderfully talented designers that I share this opportunity with!


  1. DUDE! Congratulations, man! That's FABULOUS!!!!!!!

  2. Congrats!! What great news -- it has been fun seeing all your cards with their stamps!

    I was catching up on your posts -- just realized you are our enemy :) Just kidding!! I'm from Red Sox country -- actually just down the block from Fenway!!

  3. How fabulously exciting, Tammy!! That beautiful three-layered floral card you made just blew me away!! I'm sure it had the same effect on the Kitchen Sink owner!!
    This company will greatly benefit from your amazing talents.

    Congratulations on this wonderful honor!!

  4. Congrats, Tammy! They are lucky to have you on their team. Your cards are wonderful!

  5. Wow, congratulations! That's really exciting!


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