
Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Busy, busy!

The weekend was busy, and has extended into my week, as usual! Can't believe it's Wednesday already! My daughters volleyball season is officially over, so hopefully that means a little more "down-time" for me before the holidays through us into high gear.

I spent a lot of the weekend, and a few hours of my day off on Monday making cards for a project at church. One of my customers at the store told me she keeps a box full of all-occasion cards on a table at her church. People are welcome to help themselves to whatever they need, and all that's asked is that they leave a donation of some amount in another box beside the cards. The donations are then given to their mission fund. What a wonderful idea, don't you think!? So I decided to try something like that. I have to wait until Church Council meets again next month for approval, but I can't think of any reason not to approve so I've started making cards. I have 44 done so far, and am hoping to have at least 100 to start. I'm a little leary of making too many duplicates so it's been challenging. I'm worried that if there is someone in the church having a special birthday, that 3 or 4 people may take the same cards from the box (if I do too many duplicates) and then the birthday person gets all the same cards! So anyway... above are pictures of what I created. There is too much information to list specifics for each card, but if there's one you want to know more about, just email me! A link to email me is in my profile.

Thanks for looking, and happy "hump" day!

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