
Friday, November 4, 2016

Apple Harvest

Hello friends!  It’s time for a new challenge with the Crazy 4 Challenges team, and this week our aim is to include fruit in our designs!  And what’s one of the greatest fruits to have at this time of year?  Oh yeah, give me a good juicy, crisp APPLE anytime!  What’s your favorite?  I LOVE Honeycrisp, Gala, Fuji, Pink Lady and Golden Delicious the most! 

Well, here’s my fruity card…


I pulled out my sweet Birdie Brown Harvest Mouse stamp set, and colored him up with Copic markers using the current Color Throwdown colors for this week. 


And my card layout was inspired by the current MarkerPOP Blog sketch challenge


On my card background, I stamped the BG Small Brick background stamp with Versarmark, embossed with white embossing powder, then added a watercolor wash using Peerless watercolors.  I made the green frame with the Pierced Rectangle STAX Die-Namics, and used Blueprints 24 to cut out the background piece.

I added the second half of the sentiment to the inside…

C4C361 inside

Be sure to stop by the C4C blog for all the challenge details today, and be inspired by the rest of the CrAzY girls…

Anja de Regt
Barbara Anders
Caz Counsell
Frances Byrne
Jessie Rone
Joanne Grzelak
Karen Aicken
Maryann Einem
Raquel Mason
Rebecca Ednie

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. What a great card Tammy! I just adore this fun little MFT stamp set and think the images are too cute!

  2. I love this, Tammy! You colored the mouse perfectly. I just love that set . . . Thanks for joining us for this week's Color Throwdown!

  3. Well, hey there, girlfriend!! I love this card!! It's perfect and adorable! Thanks for playing along with us at the Color Throwdown this week!

  4. Wow! I love this Tammy, that background is superb. Cx

  5. Eeekkkk!! Tammy this is so cute!! I love how you used the sketch. Thanks for joining us at markerPop!


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