
Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Yellow Poppies

I found out a few days ago that the dear, sweet lady who lived across the street from us when I was growing up had passed away.  She was 97 years old, bless her heart!  What a wonderful, giving life she had!  She crocheted slippers every Christmas and my Mom, sister and I always got a new pair, and my Dad always got a tin of her famous Chex mix.  Even at 95 years old, and in a rehab facility because she had taken a fall and broke a bone, she insisted on having her daughter bring her to my Dad's funeral back in December 2013.  My sister and I were so touched to see her there!  I HAD to get a card made to send to her daughter this week.  So here's what I came up with...

These poppies from the Botanical Silhouettes stamp set from Papertrey Ink have always been a favorite, and I often think of using them for sympathy cards.  This was an anniversary set that is no longer available, so I'm sorry there's no link.  I stamped the flowers in Daffodil hybrid ink from My Favorite Things, and the stems were stamped with Olive hybrid ink on a piece of watercolor card stock.  I then added a bit of a gray wash amongst the flowers using my Zig Clean Color Real Brush pens.  Since I stamped the flowers with hybrid ink, I was able to watercolor around them and the ink doesn't react to the water. 

For the layout, I was inspired by the sketch this week at CAS(E) this Sketch #156, and I used the colors for the Color Throwdown #377.  And I'm also entering this in the current Word Art Wednesday challenge #218 - Anything Goes.  (Can I just say how GLAD I am to have discovered that challenge?  Not only does it inspire me to create, but the ladies on the team are so kind and supportive!  I've received the nicest comments from them, AND won a $25 Simon Says gift certificate for my entry a few weeks ago!)

That's all for me today.... thank you for stopping by my blog!


  1. Beautiful! I love how you added the watercolouring! Wonderful take on the sketch!

  2. Sympathy cards are always tough to make. But this one is beautiful!! Sure to bring a little happy to the recipient.

  3. This reminds me that I have a sympathy card to make. Yours is so peaceful and lovely. Thank you so very much for posting your very creative and inspiring art with us this week at Word Art Wednesday in our 218th - FF AG challenge. I pray Blessings for you and your family; stay creative and be happy. Carole

  4. I'm so sorry to hear about your dear little friend, Tammy...this is such a beautiful sympathy card and sure to bring comfort to her family!!! Thanks for playing along with us this week at the sweet thang!!!

  5. I'm sorry to hear about your friend Tammy. This card is beautiful and hopefully it will bring a small amount of joy to her daughter in remembering the great memories she had with her mom and your family.

  6. Just had to pop on over and say how sweet this sympathy card is! Love the poppies in yellow! Miss you, gf, and hope you're enjoying life!

  7. Beautiful card. i love that stamp set too. congrats on the gift card!

  8. Hi Tammy! This is so soft and pretty. I love the popies in yellow. Thanks so much for stopping by to share your lovely art wtih us. Have a blessed week, and please join us again soon.
    Word Art Wednesday

  9. Oh, how pretty Tammy. Love the color combo. Perfect for a sympathy card.

  10. what a sweet lady. sounds like you were blessed by her growing up. What a lovely card, Tammy. LOVE the yellow poppies. thanks for playing along with us. :)

  11. So beautiful...wonderful balance of colors in the challenge! Well done!

  12. Gorgeous card! Your shadows make those poppies pop off the page! I know it was so appreciated by your friend.


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