
Tuesday, October 6, 2015

A Special Request...

Hello friends!  I know how giving and caring the stamping community can be, so I'm hoping you'll help me with a special request!

There's a very sweet lady who I used to go to church with... her name is Dottie.  Dottie and her husband Brad have a 22 year old daughter named Kathy.  A few years ago, Kathy was diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension.  You can read Kathy's story here on how she has struggled with this disease, and received the blessing of a double-lung transplant on September 18th!  As of today she is making a steady improvement, but has a long road ahead.

Dottie will be celebrating a birthday this coming Monday, October 12th and Kathy had high hopes of being able to throw a party for her Mom, but this of course was before she knew she'd be having a transplant!  Would you be willing to make this birthday a little more special for Dottie by sending a card?  She's currently staying at the Ronald McDonald House near the hospital, and I'm sure that an onslaught of birthday cards would be such a wonderful surprise to her!  If you have a spare birthday card, please send it ASAP (remember, Monday October 12th is Columbus Day so there won't be mail delivery that day!)  You can send to...

Dottie Ridenour
c/o Ronald McDonald House
10415 Euclid Ave.
Cleveland, OH 44106



  1. Just got a card ready and have it addressed and ready to mail! What a nice gesture! Hope you get lots of responses.

  2. Tammy, I would love to send your friend a card to help brighten her day. I know how frightening it is to have a child (or in my case, a grandchild) in the hospital. My granddaughter Journey was born with cCMV and spent the first 2 1/2 weeks of her life in the NICU at Cardinal Glennon in St. Louis. I lived in the Ronald McDonald house across the street during those long weeks and the people there were awesome, as was the hospital staff. I know it's a lonely and scary time for your friend and I will send a card and will be keeping them in my thoughts and prayers!


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