
Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Make Lemonade

I was on my way home from work last night, thinking about what a crazy, hectic day it had been… phones that never stopped ringing, piles of paperwork that seemed to grow before my eyes, and it was “Energy Conservation Day” which means the central air was shut down at 2:30 in the afternoon, and didn’t get turned back on until 6:30.  It makes people cranky (including me!) and adds burden to an already semi-unbearable day.  So I just knew that what I needed when I got home was some stamping therapy!

I thought all this past weekend about participating in the current Curtain Call Inspiration Challenge, but was just bummed because the theme is mason jars, and I have NO stamps that fit that theme.  But then I started thinking about stamps I do have that might fit that bill.  A mason jar is basically a vessel for holding foods, right?  (Most of the time anyway, but mine also hold buttons, tools, pencils, etc!)  And then I thought of my Bowl of Sunshine stamps and matching dies from Papertrey Ink, and thought maybe a Pyrex bowl would fit the challenge!  So here’s my card…

Make Lemonade

I turned the current Sweet Sunday Sketch #282 on it’s side for the layout (wow, it was a trial stamping that sentiment straight on the angled panel!) and am also participating in the Create Along With Us challenge for August at Papertrey Ink.  (Although I didn’t realize until now that I’m too late with my entry!)  I found the colors in Danielle’s “Brushed Off” card here for my inspiration with these colors.

Just what I needed… a little stamping therapy!  And if Tuesday hands me lemons, I’ll make lemonade for everyone!  Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Love your card! The colors are so pretty. I have that stamp set and I love it!

  2. What a cute card Tammy! I love the color combo!

  3. I love this set and love how you've used it...y'all gotta stop-I'll never be able to retire!!

  4. super sweet card! love the bowl of lemons....heck if I can make roller skates work (yeah, I don't have a mason jar stamp either), then your lemons DEFINITELY work. :) great colors, too. thanks for linking up with curtain call.


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