
Saturday, February 23, 2013

Turning Over a New Leaf…

for Sandi
During new release week recently at Papertrey Ink I saw this card made by Nicole and instantly fell in love with the pretty little flower stamps, and that sweet looking  fence!  I just had to do a little stamp shopping after that, and got my own set of the new Mini Blooms stamp set and the matching Mini Blooms dies, plus the Wrought Iron Background Basics set.  I CASE’d Nicole’s card completely using some SU! and Ranger distress inks, then added a sentiment from the Movers & Shakers stamp set, and some punched butterflies.  This card will go to a friend from church who had a birthday a few days ago.
Maybe you’ve noticed lately that a lot more of the cards I’ve been posting are for specific people?  A few weeks ago I posted here about how I was stepping down from some of my design teams, and a few of you have asked what’s next for me.  I think I may have insinuated in my blog post that I have some new design commitments in my future, but that actually couldn’t be further from the truth.  The reality is I am taking a break from design teams…. temporary or permanent, right now I don’t know.  But I do know I’m really burned out from the pressure of doing design work.  And I’ve accumulated SO many cards over the years as a result, many that I don’t feel I can actually use.  For some reason, I find it hard to combine the need for a card (a friend’s birthday, get well, etc.) with the “need” to design using certain stamps, paper, and other supplies.  So for now, my new “commitment” is my own list of weekly challenges… I start a list each week of people I need or want to send a card to… someone with a birthday, someone who needs encouragement, someone I need to say thanks to, and those people are getting cards, rather than me filling up box after box of cards I can’t use.  Plus, I just think part of the whole “design team” phenomena is having a desire to be recognized, to be acknowledged, maybe even to be adulated?  And I’m just done with that!  Don’t get me wrong… I care about what YOU, my sweet blog readers think about my cards.  But I’m done trying to impress people who don’t really care about the real me…. I’m done bawling my eyes out over how many times I’ve tried to get on certain teams and been passed by…. I’m done working ‘til the wee hours and sacrificing time with my family because “I have to go make a card!”  I would rather put a smile on the face of the lonely widow at church because I left a card in her mailbox, than worry about if Jane Doe at XYZ Stamp Company has noticed my card, know what I mean???  I hope this comes across in the nature it’s intended… I’m just trying to explain the new leaf I’m turning over.  It’s given me a lot more freedom and JOY the last few weeks, that’s for sure.  A friend even commented about how much happier I seem without the pressure of design work!  (Perhaps even a few of you reading this could stand to re-evaluate what you’re doing lately with your stamping?)  This certainly doesn’t mean that I’m not going to participate in challenges, and wouldn’t mind some short-term guest designer spots because it’s fun to try some new experiences.  But the whole big commitment thing… it’s time for a break!   :)  And Tammy is a much happier stamper as a result!
I wish YOU happy stamping!  And thanks for stopping by!
signature 3


  1. Thank you for this post. I totally agree with you and your reasons. And I will enjoy your cards even more. One of the things that bug me about many of the cards I see online is that the answer I must give myself when I ask, "Who can I give a card like this to?", is generally "no one!"
    I make cards only for family and friends and regular card swap buddies. You ROCK Tammy!

  2. I totally admire your candor Tammy (and your lovely card!). I feel exactly the same way. When I look back on my blog before being on design teams, I was so happy joining challenges and playing because I wanted to not because I had to! Good for you for sticking to your guns! I hope your friend loves her card!

  3. Hi Tammy - it's so good to read what you have said. I totally agree with you. Even when you're on at DT you still don't get noticed. I wish you all the best.

  4. You go girl!! This hobby is supposed to be about doing something we love and being happy doing it. I am so glad you are getting rid of the pressure and getting back to the pleasure in it!! Happy creating!!

    Today's card is gorgeous!!! I love it!!!

  5. LOVE this card! So perfect for spring! I hear ya and you are right on target with my feelings as well. I'm happy with just two teams that are pretty low key in the demands of my time. I'm trying to send out more cards, too, and have been giving my cards to charity auctions rather than hoarding them. Just last week, my two baskets with 25 cards in each one brought $60 each at a church silent auction! Enjoy your new, relaxed stamping mode! :-)

  6. I think making cards for specific people brings me the most pleasure. I love bringing a smile to someone's face with an unexpected card, and that's the key to happiness in stamping for me! I hope this new path helps you find the joy in just stamping for fun with no pressure or deadlines!

  7. What a gorgeous card, Tammy! Perfect to bring spring on!! Good for you, girlfriend! Only make cards that have meaning for you and bring joy to someone you care about! Nobody can argue with that!!

  8. You go girl! Nothing's worse than the pressure to create when you're just "not feelin' it"! I hope you continue to craft and create for those whom are important to you. We love your creations Tammy! Keep stampin' girl!

  9. Thanks for your post today, Tammy. The whole point of this endeavor is to make pretty cards (which yours always are!), have fun making them, and give joy or comfort to those who receive them. I'm so glad you are having fun again!

  10. I am glad that you are doing what makes you happy! Love the card. Makes me ache for spring!

  11. Your card is adorable...and I agree with your words here. It is a good decision to steward your gifts and time to encourage others in your life, isn't it?

  12. What a beautiful card! Makes me wish spring was here already! I have never applied to be on a design team for all the reasons you gave, I know it would totally take the joy and meaning out of creating something for someone and I couldn't handle the stress. And I don't think I'm really up to the level of a design team anyway! lol I applaud you for your decision to do what makes you happy! Your cards are such a joy and have inspired me so much and I look forward to seeing more of your lovely creations, especially knowing they have been made for someone special. Enjoy this time for you!


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