
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Skinny Woman Winner

Hello readers... sorry for the delay in picking a winner for this stamp!  I ended up forgetting to pick when I got home from work Sunday night, and was gone all day Monday for a funeral.  So without further delay, here's the randomly chosen winner, #18....

 terriavidreader (IN-USA) said...
What?? Chocolate comes in a variety of forms? I WANT THEM ALL! I wouldn't dare turn down any chocolate. OK, maybe my first choice would be chocolate covered raisins! Thanks for a chance to win.
August 2, 2012 1:22 PM

Terri, please contact me so I can get your mailing address and send this stamp out to you!

Thanks everyone, and happy stamping!

1 comment:

Comments bring a smile to my face EVERY time! I love hearing from you! Thanks!