
Thursday, August 2, 2012

A Skinny Woman and a Little Giveaway

As some of you may know, back in the Spring I embarked on a plan to get healthier with eating better and exercising regularly.  While I haven't lost a whole lot of weight, I am healthier and have slimmed down a little bit... enough to need to have a pair of pants that I often wear to work taken in!  I was fortunate enough to get to spend a little time with my sweet mother this past weekend, and took advantage of her excellent sewing skills to have her take in my pants.  So when I thought about making a thank you card for her, this sentiment from Verses Rubber Stamps ("Inside This Body" #MC0638-C) is automatically what came to mind!  And while I was quickly making one card, I just decided to make two as I usually send off the cards I make using Verses stamps to the company for display in their store.

So here are my "Skinny Woman" cards using the Mojo Monday #252 sketch for this week for the layout.  (GREAT sketch, isn't it?)  The papers I used here are My Mind's Eye "On the Bright Side" and the crocheted flowers were a gift from my BFF Barbara Anders.

And here's a little something fun.... while I was searching through my Verses bin of stamps looking for this one, I discovered I have an extra!  So leave a comment on this post and tell me what's your favorite form of chocolate.... do you like a mug of cocoa, a handful of Hershey Kisses, a decadent Dove bar, with or without nuts?... and I'll draw a random number on Sunday night for someone to win this stamp!

That's all for today!  Happy stamping!


  1. I love a regular Hersheys bar! No nuts - just plain chocolate. I love to put them in the frig when it is hot outside and enjoy it cold! - Mary R.

  2. When I want chocolate, I usually grab a few dove chocolates. That usually hits the spot!

  3. What a great card. I love the sentiment LOL--My most favorite chocolate is a Mounds candy bar. Just plain old Mounds no almonds needed :) Congrats on "eating healthier" journey. Having to alter your clothing is the best.

  4. I will like almost ANY kind of chocolate. :-) But, my favorite is dark chocolate with almonds!

  5. HA what a cute sentiment for sure! I love your card, the sketch is a great one and you have done an awesome job using it!

    Let's see... my favorite chocolate would have to be Ben & Jerry's Chocolate Fudge Brownie Ice cream!


  6. Great card! My favorite chocolate is a Hershey candy bar - mmmm.

  7. Hi Tammy,
    LOVE the sentiment and the card!!! My FAV is Dove....yummy yummy!

  8. Love anything with dark chocolate. Just discovered mini pretzels covered with dark chocolate at the Ashery. I think I've eaten a whole bag myself!
    How generous of you to share.

  9. I took a quick five minute break (escape from the chaos at the moment) and checked email. Thanks so much for the chuckle!!! Love the card and the quote!!!

  10. LOL, this sentiment is SO true! I am thrilled that you need some alterations! Good for you. Personally, I do NOT like nuts in my chocolate...and my favorite(s) are Hershey's Special Dark in any way, shape or form, AND Reese's Peanut Butter cups! YUM!

  11. I am so proud of your hard work on the exercise and eating right. I am right along with you and I know it is so HARD. Chocolate is my downfall!! M & M's, peanut butter cups....the list goes on and on. Keep on bikin! At least until the snow falls.


  12. Congrats on the weight loss! My favorite chocolate is Snickers ice cream bar. So good! I think I actually gain weight just thinking about them. LOL!

  13. My favorite chocolate is a Snickers bar but I am on a healthy eating WW track right now so haven't had one in a long time. The saying is so funny tho- so appropriate for so many women I know. Thanks for the chance to win it!

    Karen Hasheck
    khasheck at gmail dot com

  14. Dove's Dark Chocolate is #1, Snickers is #2. We will be in and out the next two weeks and not at the computer. So, Tammy . . . if I win, please save it until around the 20th ! Thanks!

  15. Well I love all kinds of chocolate!, but my all time favorite would be peanut M&Ms! I think I could live on them.

  16. Congrats on getting healthier Tammy! it's a struggle for sure! Love your pretty card and the fun verse!

    I guess I have to say hot fudge on a brownie sundae with Vanilla ice cream is my most FAV chocolate - although any form will do!!

  17. Great sentiment on those cards! LOVE IT!!!
    As for chocolate - I love it all except white chocolate or anything with fruit in it. Ick! I'd rather have the crunch!
    Thanks for the chance to win. :)

  18. What?? Chocolate comes in a variety of forms? I WANT THEM ALL! I wouldn't dare turn down any chocolate. OK, maybe my first choice would be chocolate covered raisins! Thanks for a chance to win.

  19. Your card is beautiful! I love the sentiment. It's hysterical!

    I love chocolate with nuts or coconut or something to chew on, if it's a candy bar or ice cream. I love white chocolate anything.

  20. See's Candie with milk chocolate and nuts, otherwise known as nuts and chews....omgosh I live for them! lol. Love these cute cards and the dp you used. thanks for the chance to win a fabulous sentiment.

  21. Healthier is good!! Love the sentiment on this card! What a hoot! My favorite chocolate is a pie I make which is to die for if I say so myself!!

  22. Great sentiment! I like it all but lately I have been trying to be "healthy" by eating dark chocolate.
    slrdowney at hotmail dot com

  23. I love the this card and sentiment! So true! My favorite - um, is there an answer I didn't see - ALL OF THE ABOVE?!?!!? Of course it all depends on the place, time and what is available for my preference! Yeah, I gotta problem! Anyway, I rarely comment but today I decided to take the time to post on 5 different blogs and yours happened to be one of them. Of course, the theme of chocolate helped! I love your blog and your creations. Healthy is good but life without chocolate, I think not!

    Chris R. from Iowa

    P.S. I hope this stamp is still available, I gotta order it if I don't win it. It will be used a lot! Trust me!

  24. Way to go! You need smaller clothes and that's always good! Chocolate .. well, I don't usually refuse any form of it..but probably prefer a nice smooth chocolate bar .. swiss chocolate or a smooth nut free Dove bar.. the Godiva dark caramels are pretty good too.


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