
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Color Throwdown #193 for my Hubby

The lovely Wanda is our Color Throwdown hostess this week with this great color combo above!  For my card, I decided to make something pretty playful with these colors... a card for my sweet hubby.  A little background on my life lately... I had a little scare a few weeks ago with some minor chest pain and discomfort.  Ended up getting checked in the ER, seeing a cardiologist and going through a battery of tests which all showed to be normal.  But, those who know me know that I do not eat healthy nor do I exercise if I can help it!  But with this little scare, and the resulting normal findings I feel like God has given me a second chance to get things right.  So I recently started on a plan to eat healthier and try to get some form of exercise at least 5 times a week.  And my sweet, sweet husband has been so wonderful MANY nights over the past several weeks to load up our bicycles and take me riding on the great bike paths we have in our area, and to be so supportive of my efforts.  So I made this card for him this week, using the Everyday Button Bits stamp set from Papertrey Ink.

Stop over at the Color Throwdown blog for all the challenge details and to link up your own creation.  And visit my Throwdown sisters for more inspiration...

Happy stamping, and thanksabunch!


  1. Tammy this card is so sweet as well as the reason behind it. Happy for a healthier you, and a supportive spouse. I'm inspired!
    Jean ~

  2. Glad to hear that you're continuing your exercise plan...I am a bit jealous as there are NO bike trails here and I don't even own a bike!!! So keep up the good work; you can tell your DH to keep the card where YOU can see it as a constant reminder! ♥

  3. A great card Tammy - and wonderful reason to make it!

  4. Sweet! Love the diagonal design with the stitching! Very cute card!

    Keep on biking!

  5. Awwwww....your hubby is going to love this,'s sooo cute!!! Congrats on your new lifestyle, girlie....thanks for the inspiration!!!!

  6. Good for you! Change is hard, but it is so worth it! Great card...and you have a great hubby!

  7. What a great card for your sweet hubby! It's so nice that he is supporting you in your quest to get healthier. I love the button wheels with twine and how you used this weeks colors!

  8. How perfect to use the bike image for your thank you! Love the twine bows in the button wheels.


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