
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Color Throwdown #186

Danielle is our hostess this week for the Color Throwdown, and her color inspiration was taken from some of my most favorite designer papers from My Mind's Eye.  It wasn't hard at all this week to choose an image to pair up with these Stella & Rose papers... I just had to get my new Pure Innocence Cowgirl from My Favorite Things inky!  I added a horseshoe charm on my jute bow using the Country Charms Die-Namics.

We hope you'll join us for the challenge this week!  Stop at the Color Throwdown blog for the details and to link up your own creation!  And if you need more inspiration, visit my Throwdown sisters' blogs...

Thanksabunch (or should I say "much obliged"?) for stopping by today!


  1. Beautiful coloring on your cute little cowgirl Tammy! Love all the pretty papers on this as well!

  2. Pure cuteness Tammy! LOVE your coloring on her!!

  3. Awww, what a precious little cowgirl...such beautiful coloring, Tammy, and I love your awesome design!!!

  4. Too dang cute, GF! Love how you colored her!

  5. This image really lends itself well to these colors...LOVE this card! Coloring is perfection!

  6. What a cute card Tammy! Love your coloring as usual and the details of the twine (rope) and horseshoe are the perfect touch!

  7. Yee haw! This is wonderful, Tammy!!

  8. Perfect colors for a cowgirl--love it!


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