
Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Color Throwdown #182

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It's Color Throwdown time once again, and this week it's my turn to bring you the challenge!  I saw this cute little pincushion on Pinterest one day, and thought the combination of colors was great, so that's your challenge for today!  Check out the Throwdown blog for all the challenge details.

I pulled out my not-yet-inked "Dip Me in Chocolate" ala' mode stamp from My Favorite Things for my card today, and paired it with My Mind's Eye "On the Bright Side 2" papers.  The layout is from the MFT Wednesday Sketch from last week, but I took a little liberty with it, turning it sideways and altering the size of some of the elements a little.

Stop and see all my Throwdown sisters today for more inspiration with these colors... you'll be WOW'd!

Don't forget there's still time to enter to win the Copic Coloring Guide 2 from my post HERE.

Thanksabunch for stopping by!


  1. I wish someone would dip me in chocolate...LOL!!! This is sooo cute, Tammy...your coloring is gorgeous, as always...I think I need that stamp!!!!

  2. Oh my gosh! She's got a ginormous chocolate bar, Tammy! (I shouldn't ... but I'm gonna share ... My DH has a passion for those huge dark chocolate Hershey bars!) How does this darling chicka do that and stay so adorably skinny?! Love your sassy-fun card! Thanks for having me as the guest for the Color Throwdown this month!


  3. Now THAT'S the size chocolate bar I'm talkin' about! This is too cute and such a fun image to use with these bold colors! Love it!

  4. Okay, so now I am ready to go get some chocolate!! Cute card, love the layout.

  5. Yum! Beautifully colored, Tammy!

  6. this is a beautiful card Tammy and I am always in awe of your coloring skills-would love to take one of your classes-any plans to come to Pittsburgh

  7. Too cute, Tammy! I want a piece of chocolate that size (being said as I finish off a box of Tagalongs)!

  8. I love the way you used the colors Tammy. Yummy chocolate bar!

  9. Ain't that the truth! This is very sweet, lol! Great fun card!

  10. This is fabulous Tammy! Your MFT image is colored perfectly (I so need to get this stamp set) and I love your layout with pretty bow!


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