
Friday, February 17, 2012

Dear Local Readers...

I want to share with you some recent events and changes that have taken place in my life.  I know that many of you who read my blog have also been my wonderful customers at Toyrifix in Smithville, Ohio.  I am very sorry to have to bring you the news today that I am no employed by Toyrifix.  In 2007 when I accepted the position of manager at that store, it appeared to me to be a dream job... getting paid to stamp 40 hours a week!  What could be better?  However, stamping 40 hours was not what I spent most of my time doing.  I also spent a great deal of time just being a store manager, dealing with employees, office work and selling toys... not what I envisioned when I took the position. I also did a large amount of the job from home, which made for some long days and evenings.  For a variety of reasons, over the past 18 months I was finding myself very restless with the position and in need of a change, and I began to casually watch the help wanted ads and seek out other options for employment.  I recently had the opportunity to interview for some other jobs, and was lucky enough to be offered a position that in my eyes appeared to be a win-win situation for myself and Toyrifix.  I would be able to, after some initial training time, be able to do both jobs for several months to come and continue to provide Toyrifix stamping customers the high quality of products, customer service and attention that you've become accustomed to in the last 4 years.  I was excited to make these changes!  In my plans for the next few months were classes that many of you were already signed up for and had paid for, and a lot of the content of these classes included things you had been asking me for as far as new techniques and products.  And I know you were all going to love the Stamp of the Month board for March!  My plans were to continue to be there for you in the coming months!

However, on Thursday evening I was informed that my services were no longer needed at the store and was ordered to pack up my desk and leave.  I am still reeling from this blow, and greatly distressed and disappointed at the sudden turn of events in this situation.  As I stated, this could have been nothing but a win-win for both parties here and the thought of what will now become of the stamping department that I so lovingly built up over the last 4 year saddens me greatly.  It makes me sad for you, the customers.  I want you all to know how much I have loved and appreciated all of you and that leaving so abruptly with no chance to tell you all good-bye was not my decision!  Helping you with your stamping needs and teaching new techniques, seeing people excited about new products and supplies and sharing my love of this hobby with all of you was my greatest joy!  I urge anyone who wishes to to please keep in touch with me!  Leave me a comment here, or send me an email  (tammyhershberger at gmail dot com) as I want to hear from you!  And if you still want to learn and stamp together, let me know that, too!  I'd love to continue to get inky with all of you!

My very best to you all,


  1. Tammy, that is a shame, sounds like in the long run, they will realize their loss, but it will be too late.

  2. Tammy,

    I am so sorry to hear that! You were ALWAYS so helpful with whatever stamping needs I had. They will have a VERY hard time filling your shoes! I will definitely miss you! Thank you for all your help. And I hope only the best for you!

  3. Tammy, the world is full of goofy people. I am not local but love your blog for your knowledge and friendship. You are always quick to share what you know and love. Their loss. Meanwhile, I am sure you are still reeling with all kinds of emotions. I hope you will be able to continue with your blog for your many readers to help share your pains, concerns, etc. It is our turn to give back to you! Please feel free to talk to us at any time. I am sure those in the area will boycott the store and will make their feelings known to management. To think, it was probably some dumb 20 something year old's decision.

    Chris R. from Iowa

  4. Tammy - i am so sorry to read about this unfortunate vent! I do know when a door closes, another opens -- for that I will keep you in my prayers!

  5. Hi Tammy, I am sorry to hear about your job....maybe you are meant to start a new and better venture with the other job. Positive thoughts to you and in my prayers. Stay true to yourself and do not stop being creative...that is what keeps most of us going through hard times! Best to you Pat B

  6. Dear Tammy although not local (at all ! I'm in the UK !) I would like to offer you my best wishes and support from across the pond.
    I agree with Vicki and hope that a new & better opportunity will present itself and you'll end up much happier in the long run x
    Thanks for all your inspiration and all the love and energy that you evidently put into your blog x
    ((hugs)) Suzie xoxo

  7. Tammy, I actually have tears after reading your message. I took a couple of classes from you and you have ALWAYS been so helpful. I am so sorry and it is their loss. But ours too! I learned so much from you and hope that you find somewhere else to showcase your talents!

  8. Tammy I am so sorry to hear this! In the end it will be their loss and the customers that you have dealt with will continue to be loyal to you and stay in touch as they know you and know that this was not your fault. I hope you find something soon as far as the new job goes and I wish you the very best.

  9. Tammy I am praying for you that God and those he places around you will help you get through this very difficult time. Make this a time where you concentrate on what's ahead. In time forgive them so you don't become bitter over this. You are a very special, and talented woman. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. God has a place for you and He will guide you to it. I'm so sad for your loss of employment and the opportunity to stamp with you as I am in the Cleveland area. May God bless you and keep you sharing your love of your craft.

  10. Nothing hurts so much as being slapped down while you're trying to be helpful and fair. We wish you all the best, Tammy. Keep stamping here and giving us inspiration. We appreciate and enjoy you.

  11. Sometimes God slams the door....sending prayers you way!!!

  12. Tammy, my 45 minute drive for your help always went quickly because of the excitement getting new ideas, your help with my little problems and questions, and seeing the new products that you made sure were available to us. I'm sorry for the way you have been treated and know that it's their loss. I pray for your new job, and hopefully we will get to see you in Akron in April.

  13. really sorry to hear this Tammy. As someone who's also been on the receiving end of something similar at one time, my heart goes out to you!

  14. Oh Tammy that is so not the way they should of handled that. ugh.... I am so sorry! Hugs...

  15. Sorry to hear that. I can't get over there as often as I liked, but I always enjoyed the events I attended.

    I hope this becomes a better opportunity for you & I'd still love to stamp anytime youre doing anything.

  16. Sorry to hear that. I can't get over there as often as I liked, but I always enjoyed the events I attended.

    I hope this becomes a better opportunity for you & I'd still love to stamp anytime youre doing anything.

  17. Tammy,
    I have learned in this life and still learning that all things work together for the good to them that love the Lord and who are the called according to His purpose. Satan has a plot...but God has a plan for your life. Stand still and see the salvation of the Lord. Keep the faith and keep looking up!!! Be encouraged...the best is yet to come! You ain't seen nothing yet! When God closes one door...He will open another. Huge Hugs...

  18. Sorry to hear that you had a very impressive stamping department. It is 2 hours away but I came as often as possible.Just because you had cool designs etc.
    There loss Tammy.

  19. Best wishes in your new endeavor. I enjoyed stopping by Toyrifix and learning something new or checking out the cards on the monthly board. I would love to hear about any new classes you plan on teaching! Best wishes!

  20. Tammy,
    I am so sorry to hear this news. Toyrifix has definitely encountered a great loss. Every morning, I anxiously await your blog update to see what beautiful creations you came up with. I always enjoy seeing what new classes you're offering. And I'd love to take more Copic classes with you. You have an amazing talent and I know that God has something bigger and better planned for you. I wish you luck in whatever the future holds for you and your family.

  21. Tammy, so sorry to hear this did not work out the way you had hoped. I truly believe when one door closes, another one opens. I'm confident everything will work out for you just the way it's supposed to. I'm looking forward to keeping in touch through your blog. Wishing you all the best!


  22. WOW! I am shocked. I drive from Columbus several times a year just to shop the fantastic stamp store you created there... not sure I will now. I also enjoyed the classes you hosted and taught. Good luck in your future endeavors.

  23. Tammy that is to bad.There loss.You are very talented and know your stuff.God always directs in the right path even when evil on earth is trying to get in the way.

  24. Sorry to hear that. You were obviously very passionate about your job, so I have to think they will end up missing you. Tell us more about your new job.

  25. I read your post a few days ago but didn't have a chance to comment...

    I am so sorry that they did such a crappy thing to you! I am sure that wherever you are now, if they haven't yet, soon they will realize what a great person and artist you are.

    I have always enjoyed your blog and always look forward to your posts.

    Best of luck!


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