
Friday, April 22, 2011

Bellarific Friday "Free for All"


Thank God it's Friday, for a number of reasons! The biggest one is that I am hitting the road with my hubby and my daughter today and going to VIRGINIA where I will be meeting FOR THE VERY FIRST TIME one of my bestest stamping friends EVER! Barbara Anders and I have been online, stamping friends for... omgosh, about 3 years, I think! And WE'VE NEVER MET! Can you believe it!? And FINALLY we're meeting for the first time this weekend! I. CAN'T. WAIT!!! (And yes, all the caps mean I AM EXCITED!) So when you hear screams coming from near the East coast later today, that will be the two of us!

The other reason I am happy that it's Friday is that it's time for another Bellarific Friday challenge with da' Babes! This week is a glorious free-for-all in which we could create anything we wanted using Stamping Bella stamps! So for my card, I decided to use the cute little Arthur here in his fishing gear, since I just picked up this cute Cosmo Cricket "fishy" paper over the weekend in Erie, PA! I just love his lil' towhead hairdo, bagging overalls and big boots! Isn't he the cutest? Arthur is colored with Copic markers on Bella's Bestest White paper, and the layout for my card was inspired by the Mojo Monday sketch for this past week.

So take yourself over to Bloggabella and check out all the Bellalicious creations today! Don't forget to leave a comment too, because one lucky commenter will be selected to win some Bella Bucks! And then, get busy creating and play along with us next week because another person who joins in will also win some Bucks! The challenge next week is Mother's Day!

And, if you need something else to do, stop and check out the newly revitalized Forumabella! That's right... we've got our own spot to chat, share ideas, upload creations and everything! Our own Jessabella has been hard at work keeping things organized and active over there and we'd LOVE to see your smiling face! And beginning May 15th we're going to be introducing a Forum Challenge too, that you won't want to miss!

Happy stamping! Thanks for stopping by today!


  1. Tammy this little guy is super cute - have a great time in Virginia!!

  2. NO WAY! You and Bar have never met before?! That's crazy! You two will have such a blast. Take lots of pics to share! Have fun & give her a hug from me! :)

  3. How exciting is that to meet a blogging friend for the first time! Have fun!
    Your card is adorable. Love your fun bright colours and layout! Paper is perfect!

  4. SO excited for you that you get to meet Barbara! Have SOOO much fun! Your card is darling and thanks for the forum shout out-look forward to chatting it up in tehre for sure!!! xoxo

  5. What? No Mavis? I'm leavin.... Tee-hee! OMG, this is TOO STINKIN CUTE Tammybella! Love the colors, design and your coloring is AWESOME! Now how'd you go and make that little fish on your watermark to match. You CLEVER girl you! Have a Blessed Easter!

  6. LOVE this adorable little guy and your coloring is amazing! Perfect DP for the BG! Welcome to VA...I'm in the Shenandoah Valley and I do believe I heard the mountains tremble about the time you and Barbara met! LOL! Have a great time!

  7. He is sooooooo cute Tammy !!! Love this card.
    Have fun in Virginia my friend !!

  8. OMGish I LOVE this card from the stamped image to the paper and trimmings!! Very colorful and fun!

  9. This really is a spectacular card Tammy. Hope you are having fun in Virginnie. Great to met a friend you have corresponded with but never met!!! WOW..lucky u. The paper on this could not have been better. You outdid yourself on this one Tammy. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Hi Tammy!
    Best boy card evah! I LOVE your papers, and the embellishment in front!!!

  11. I need to borrow some of your layouts he he. I mean this is so cute. And you seem to get the tags just right every time.


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