
Thursday, April 14, 2011


Hi everyone!

I thought I would let you know about some exciting news! Stamping Bella is revitalizing Forumabella....I know, you forgot there was a forum? Or didn't know there was one? It's our own private watering hole, where we can chit chat, and post cards! Em opened it last year, but then was having some spam problems with it. Well, everything is dusted off now and shined up nice and purty, and ready to go!

AND there's a contest to win some Bella Bucks! You should definitely go to the Facebook page HERE and become a fan. Then, hop on over to THE FORUM and register yourself. Once you are a member, click on the chattering topic called "Off Topic", and you will see a couple of posts about the contest to win the moolah!

There already seem to be a lot of newbies, which is so exciting - don't miss out on the chance! And we will be having more chances in the future as well!

Don't forget to visit the Bloggabella to check out the last Bellarific Friday post. You have until tonight to send Em your creation using Linda's sketch:
Happy stamping!

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