
Friday, February 18, 2011

Cupcake Diva, Baby!

I totally spaced out last week and forgot, so I made getting the Bellarific Friday Challenge done this week a priority! (Except not really seeing as how I emailed my card to Emily at 11:40 p.m. Thursday night!) I had too many distractions while trying to get the card made... a daughter that wanted attention, a husband who was bored and kept trying to talk to me, and American Idol on the TV! None of those are conducive to stamping!

The challenge this week is a sketch challenge, as you can see above, so I pulled out this never-before-inked Cupcake Diva ADDY'tude stamp and some brand-spanking-new My Mind's Eye "Stella & Rose" paper and got to work! Oh, part of my delay too was the fact that I decided to dye seam binding for the card at the last minute, too! LOL I must work ahead this weekend and dye up a bunch of it!
I am in LOVE with how girlfriend turned out here! There are sprinkles on her cupcakes in the form of some chunky glass glitter, her big ol' earring and necklace are accented with a gold Spica glitter pen, and I put Glossy Accents on the lenses in her glasses!

Thanks for stopping by! TGIF!!!!!


  1. Oh, this is adorable!!! Love how you did the background paper and your seem binding is awesome!!

  2. What a delightful treat this card is. Love all your little "extra" details.

  3. Thought this was wonderfully colored. A treat for the eye!


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