
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Color Throwdown #110

Hello stampers! It's Color Throwdown time again, and this week LeAnne has picked what I thought was a really elegant color combination! However, when you check out what the other girls have created this week, you'll see it can also lean towards the cute side, and it's great for some Christmas greetings, too!

For my card, I decided to use the Sweet Spring Jolinne stamp set from My Favorite Things, along with Mercy's Tuesday Sketch Challenge #91 for this week. The colors seemed to suit this image of Jolinne as a ballerina quite well, and it also gave me a chance to use this pink netting as an embellishment. Our pastor's wife recently started a new Sunday School class for the teenage girls at our church, and this netting was tied around the books the girls got at their first class. Kaylie sweetly saved it for me, thinking maybe I'd like to use it on a card, and she was right! The whole card is spritzed with a combination of water and Perfect Pearls for some added shimmer. I think since Kaylie saved that netting for me, this just might end up being her birthday card. Yes *sniff, sniff* my baby is turning 18 next Tuesday! I still can't wrap my head around that fact, but like it or not I have to deal with it! I'm having a wonderful party for her this weekend, and hopefully I'll be able to make some time to tell you about it, too!
Stop by the Throwdown blog for all the challenge details, and then check out what my Throwdown sisters have created using these colors...

Silke Ledlow, September Guestie

THANK YOU for stopping by, and for your comments! I really appreciate the visits!


  1. Wow, Tammy, what a beautiful creation...that tulle embellishment anchored with that gorgeous, what a stunner! And I see you've used your Patterns DP!!! I think your daughter will love this card....and her party! Have fun!

  2. Oh, so pretty! Miss ya already {sniff, sniff}!

  3. Beautiful card Tammy! I'm sure your daughter will love it. Hope you have a great party!

    I just love that set & got it when Kim had $5 off Jolinne last week. I couldn't resist the adorable bunny.

  4. Awwwwwwwww, how sweet is this? What a thoughtful thing for Kaylie to do, and how nicely it worked for this card. Love it!

  5. This is gorgeous, Tammy! I love your coloring and that great netting! You'll have an 18 year old?? Wow!

  6. Hi Tammy
    Wow! Beautiful Creation. LOve the ballerina theme and of course love the image, great coloring, love it!
    Happy Birthday in advance to your daughter.
    My baby turn 24 last july but she look more younger like a 18 or may be 16 years old girl(she have baby face)
    Some times people surprise when knows her age, lol!!


  7. I'm just loving that sweet stamp. I love pink tulle accent and the large pearl. I was thinking it was pretty genius that you did the outline circle in the background instead of a solid one! It's a pretty addition of that bold color without overpowering your sweet image and design!

  8. Aw, she's so pretty! Lovely coloring! I like the tulle you added too, nice touch! Happy Birthday Kaylie!!! Feelin' old? Ouch!

  9. So precious Tammy!!! Your card is just how soft the colors look!!! Hugs ~S~

  10. Just lovely, Tammy! That tulle made the perfect accent. I can't believe that Kaylie will be 18 . . .

  11. Very nicely done. What a perfect young girls card. The tulle used just set the card off. The coloring is great also. Thanks for sharing..

  12. Tammy, this is amazing! Congratulations your project is an MFT fave find this week!

  13. This is beautiful, Tammy! What a pretty little ballerina. Love how you colored her dress/hair and added glitter to the ribbon around her waist. Just lovely, my friend.


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