
Friday, January 22, 2010

Stamp Simply #123 - Very Vintage

Smiley from
Yay, it's Friday once again! And that means it's time for another Stamp Simply challenge from Sharon Johnson. This week, Sharon is challenging everyone to make something vintage. Some people can do that very easily, and for some that's a challenge. But hey, I think that's what this is called.... a CHALLENGE! LOL So c'mon and give it a whirl... whatever you interpret as vintage is fair game today, but remember to keep it simple, too.

Yeah, remember to keep it simple... which I did NOT! I failed at simple this week, but I still love my card, and I hope you do, too!

When I contemplated a vintage design this week, my first thought went to roses so I pulled out my neglected 3-Step Hearts and Roses set from Kitchen Sink Stamps for this card. I stamped my image, then cut it out using the Labels 1 Nestabilities die. My designer paper is an old piece of Melissa Frances paper that I've had forever. I stamped over it with the French Script background stamp from Rubbernecker, then distressed and inked the paper edges with tea dye Ranger distress ink.

Stop by Sharon's blog for all the challenge details! There you will find her stunning (as always!) sample, as well as Mr. Linky which you may use to link up your own vintage creation! My Stamp Simply sisters have some beautiful vintage designs to inspire you, as well!

So there you go.... now go get vintage and inky! And thanks so much for stopping by today!

Stamps: rose (3-Step Hearts & Roses from Kitchen Sink Stamps), French Script background #448, sentiment (Rubbernecker)
Cardstock: River Rock, Purely Pomegranate, Confetti Cream (Stampin' Up!), designer paper (Melissa Frances)
Inks: Memento Angel Pink, Rich Cocoa, Pear Tart, Versamagic Jumbo Java (Tsukineko), Purely Pomegranate, Old Olive (Stampin' Up!), Tea Dye distress ink (Ranger)Accessories: Nestabilities (Spellbinders), Cuttlebug embossing folder (ProvoCraft), button (Stamp Simply store), ribbon (craft supply).


  1. Great card Tammy! I love the vintage look and you certainly captured it!

  2. Beautiful card! You even had the perfect button to top it all off. That dp looks great with the script stamped on top, and I have a few pieces left myself....Thanks for the inspiration!

  3. OMG Sweetcheeks!! This is totally beautiful!! Have a great weekend.

  4. Tammy -- it's a WINNER! Love all the embellishments and extra details!! LOVE IT! The button sets all the colors off perfectly!

  5. Tammy, I absolutely LOVE your vintage beauty -- I think you've been missing some fun with vintage in your life -- LOL!!! This is SOOOOOooooo lovely!!!! Way to go!!!

  6. Tammy, this is just inspired me this morning and actually got one finished. Thanks!

  7. I find it so interesting to see how everyone interprets "vintage" and what they reach for to create! I love your rose image and I wish I had that french script b/g stamp! That lends a perfect vintage look IMHO! Very pretty card!!

  8. Tammy, my heart skipped when I saw this card -- wowzers! This is just toooooo pretty girlie!

  9. Ooh, the very vintage is very pretty! Love this card!

  10. A gorgeous vintage card Tammy! Congrats on your class at Joan's! Wish I lived closer so that I could attend.

  11. Oh, Tammy! This is so pretty! Love it! I love your little Friday guy too.

  12. What an awesome card I really love it. So very pretty and the rose is just gorgeous. Pat

  13. You do vintage VERY well, girlie!! Love this, Tammy--that rose is stamped perfectly (not easy, let me tell you, LOL!) and the heart is gorgeous!

  14. Who would know you thought this was a "challenge" You did it so beautifully! I love the textured heart and that rose combined

  15. Wow! This is so beautiful! I need to try vintage....thanks for the inspiration.

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