
Friday, January 8, 2010

Stamp Simply #121 - Have a Heart!

Well, here we are at another FridaySmiley from and it's time for another Stamp Simply challenge! With Valentine's Day being the next card-giving holiday on the horizon, Sharon has decided today's challenge should have a heart! Just make something with a heart/Valentine/love theme! It doesn't necessarily have to be a Valentine, though. Perhaps you have a wedding coming up that you need a card for? For today, just have a heart.... feel the love!
Smiley from
For my card, I couldn't resist using this sweet Whipper Snapper wheelbarrow stamp once again. It's so fun to color, and with this image I paired some brand new Lovestruck paper from Making Memories, and my new Martha Stewart double loop border punch! I got these punches at the store last week, and just had to open one up for demo'ing!

I added a little pink button with string to my tag on the right side. Did you know Sharon stocks a great variety of buttons in her Stamp Simply store? AND they're on sale right now! Check 'em out! I also used Mercy's Tuesday sketch challenge #55 for the layout on my card.
Be sure and hop over to Sharon's blog to see her beautiful sample for today. There you will also find Mr. Linky so that you can link your own heart-full creation for all to see! After you visit Sharon, be sure to pay a visit to my Stamp Simply sisters blogs, too!

Michelle Woerner, Guest Designer

Thanks for visiting my blog today! I appreciate your comments so much!

Stamps: Wheelbarrow of Love (Whipper Snapper Designs), sentiment (Hero Arts)Designer Paper: Making Memories "Lovestruck"
Inks: Memento Tuxedo Black, Versafine Onyx Black (Tsukineko), markers (Copic)
Accessories: Nestabilities (Spellbinders), Cuttlebug embossing border (ProvoCraft), double loop punch (Martha Stewart).


  1. Wonderful card - I love the little wheelbarrow!

  2. This is adorable, Tammy! I love your coloring! I look forward to seeing what you make every day. TFS!

  3. What an adorable it with the sketch. That punch is AWESOME! I wish I had all of them!

  4. Very very cute!! Love that wheelbarrow!!

  5. ...ok...may not have finished my comment the first time around, sorry if this is a duplicate! ;) CUTE! I really love this one, Tammy! Hope you have a great weekend! :)

  6. tammy...this is perfect for both challenges, lady! love the monochromatic pinks, the dp, the image, and your awesome coloring!

    thanks for playing along with my sketch for this've done an awesome job! :)


  7. Oooo...that double loop border is super! And on this card, super perfect! What an adorable image too...that wheelbarrow is darling! Hope your weekend is a great one, Tammy!

  8. Aww, how very sweet Tammy! I love the pinks, the border and beautifully colored image...I feel the LOVE!

  9. super cute Tammy! I just love that wheelbarrow image full of hearts! Great border, fabulous coloring!!

  10. So sweet and simple. Love it especially love the dotted swiss touch . Pat

  11. I love that image and your coloring ROCKS! And you ROCKED Mercy's sketch, too!! I love it!

  12. Oh Tammy -- this is cute stuff! Absolutely SWEET!

  13. This is so cute!! Love your image, your punched border, and your colors!! Stunning take on Mercy's sketch!!

  14. OM GOSH! This is too stinkin' cute! I am so happy to be back in the land of the living with my computer -- missed surfing! ;-) This image is just too darling!

  15. This is wonderful Tammy. You did such an awesome job of coloring your images...your shading is perfect.

  16. Gorgeous stamped image, and love that color combo!


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