
Monday, November 9, 2009

Just Rite Projects from Stamping Around Philly

Well, the much anticipated Stamping Around Philly weekend has come and gone! :( I can't believe how anxiously I looked forward to this, how far in the future it seemed to be, and Beth and I both lamented on the way home Saturday night that we couldn't believe it was over already! Now begins the task of convincing Julie and Kim that a Stamping Around Ohio needs to take place! Who's with me on that?

Beth and I had so much fun, despite getting re-routed 2 hours out of our way on Friday because the interstate was closed down for 11 miles! What should have been a 6 hour drive ended up taking 8 hours, and we arrived just in time for the first class on Friday night! Beth proved to be an awesome navigator with her iPhone as I did all the driving, and we talked and talked the whole time!

I was so proud to have JustRite Stampers sponsoring my class at the event! They generously donated all the stamps that were used in the class, and those were given away as door prizes when we were done! There were many ladies that were thrilled to win those stamps! Here is what everyone made for my class, using the new 'Tis the Season paper from Bo Bunny, and cardstock from Gina K Designs.
Everyone got to make one of these great little boxes to hold four tea light candles. The idea for this was inspired by a 3-D Tuesday project on Paper Craft Planet designed by Lori Tecler. We used the Merry Little Christmas stamp set from JustRite for this project.
And for this tent-topper style card, we used the Old Fashioned Christmas stamp set.
I was SO lucky to get to go to this event and meet some online, blogging friends, too! LeAnne Pugliese (in the center) and I have been friends for several years now, and I was so thrilled to get to meet her in person for the first time! She is gorgeous and petite and has the cutest clothes and the greatest smile! And Kristin Bueter was our Guest Designer on the Color Throwdown back in September, and ever since then she and I have become fast friends, so I was so excited that she was able to come to Stamping Around too and to get to meet her! She's even prettier in person with gorgeous style, and I know we could have stayed up all night gabbing and stamping if we'd had more energy! Kristin and LeAnne had a very sweet girl named Jackie who roomed with them, and I was happy to get to know her better, too!
Here's my friend Beth (on the left) stamping away on my project with Korin Sutherland, the owner of Sweet 'n Sassy Stamps! Korin was such a sweetheart and we were so happy to have her there as she taught a bonus class on Friday night, too! I won a stamp set from her, and can't wait to get some use out of it. Ironically, Beth and I traveled all that way together but never once thought to have someone snap our picture together! LOL I guess because we see each other all the time, the notion didn't occur to us!
And here I am with Becky Oehlers! Becky and I were on the Kitchen Sink Stamps team together, and have one of those soul-sister connections! I knew we'd hit it off if we ever got the chance to meet, and I was right! She's amazingly funny, and energetic, and sweet (and gave me the most awesome back rub when I arrived on Friday night!) Her Papertrey Ink project was fabulous!
Here's everyone working hard with their JustRite stamps during my class!
And here is the group of all the teachers from the event, left to right... Korin Sutherland, me, Becky, Kim Schofield and Julie Masse (the Stamping Around founders and organizers), and in front is Charmaine Ikach and Kathi Rerek. Julie's class used some cute new stamps from Kitchen Sink (that I just had to buy to bring home!), Kathy did some fun projects from Bombshell Stamps, and Charmaine had us make an adorable box full of cards using stamps from Taylored Expressions.

Many thanks to Julie and Kim for all the hard work they put in to this event! It was so much fun, and I seriously want them to plan the next one in Ohio! (*subliminal message to Julie and Kim... Come to the Buckeye State... come to the Buckeye State... come to the Buckeye State!*)

Happy Monday everyone! Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Waaaaaaaaahhhhhh!! I'm so celery green with bits of envy!! Thanks so much for sharing your pics, Tammy. Oh what a delightful gathering! I love your projects with the Just Rite stamps as well ... lucky ladies taking this class!


  2. Woohoo, Tammy, wasn't it the greatest time!?!? I am so thrilled to have met you and Beth. I had a blast sitting with you ladies and your class was so much fun! Can't wait for that Ohio event ;)!! I'm so there!

    Big hugs,

  3. WOWZA ... looks like you had a GREAT time!!! Good for you!! Glad the weather was so awesome for traveling especially since you had to tack on a couple more hours than expected! The projects are fantastic and the photos are perfect! Glad you had a nice weekend ... though be it short! See you soon????????

  4. Great project, Tammy! I thoroughly enjoyed it and am going to case it for this weekend's party with my stamp clubbers!!! SO WONDERFUL to meet everyone and I hope we don't have to wait so long to get together again!

  5. Tammy - it was so wonderful to meet you in person!! We enjoyed your class so much and were thrilled to get to use the Just Rite stamps. Thank you so much for your contribution to our event!!

  6. Fabulous project, Tammy!!! And great pictures! You guys sure look like you have a wonderful time!

  7. Looks like all of you had such a wonderful time - I'm jealous! Great projects and I just love all the pix - tfs! ~chris

  8. Tammy, loved your class! I had never tried Just Rite stamps nor the tissue paper/candle trick. I know what I'm doing for xmas gifts this year now! (And thanks for helping me whip that border punch into shape!)

  9. Sounds like so much fun Tammy! Wish I could have been there to join in :) Your project is awesome & such a great gift idea! :) TFS

  10. Love this project - it is going into my folder for next Christmas - since I have everything done for this year.....I will probably also use it for other mini occasions throughout the year - thanks for sharing the project and pictures!!

  11. OMG, Tammy...I soooo wish I could have been there!!! I am so glad you had a great time and got to meet so many wonderful stampers!!!! Maybe one of these days!!!

  12. I am just GREEN with envy that you had such a great weekend - stampers/paper crafters are the nicest of people!

    Thanks ever so much for your mention of my card on Color Throwdown - made my whole week! (Well, maybe second place. I get my stitches out of my knee tomorrow and it's kinda hard to beat that!)

    Have a great week!

  13. Hi Tammy! Loved your project in Philly! And just wanted to see - I'm sad to see you go from KSS - really loved seeing your work there! We definitely have to have a Stamping Around Ohio - being outside Pittsburgh - that would be a great (and short) trip!!

  14. I just love the pic of you, LeAnne, and Kristin! Too bad I couldn't make it...but we will try again! Your card and project are fantastic!!! Love all the pictures, looks like you had a lot of fun!

  15. Tammy, it was WONDERFUL to finally meet you! I had a blast and LOVED your project!

  16. Looks and sounds like a wonderful event, Tammy. Congrats to all of you!

  17. Ooooohhweeee! looks like FUN FUN FUN!!!


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