
Saturday, October 31, 2009

Just Us Girls Challenge #5

Well, here I am on a Saturday getting to play along with the JUGS challenge with my sweet friend Kristin (who I'm going to meet next Friday at Stamping Around along with another of my wonderful friends, LeAnne!) The JUGS challenge for today is to create a holiday card that showcases a photo! After you create a card, link it on the JUGS blog to Mr. Linky. Then, send an email to the Just Us Girls email address (located in the left sidebar on the blog) with a link to your card and you will receive the digital stamp and sentiment set shown below, courtesy of Kristin! Yes, Kristin drew that fabulous lamp post and created the two sentiment verses as a special treat for everyone who plays the JUGS challenge today! (you can click on the photo for a close-up!)
Now why, you might ask, am I playing along today, too? I'm not a member of the JUGS team but I did end up getting to take part in the freebie you'll receive today if you play along! Awhile back, I sent Kristin a card and she went crazy over my handwriting. Now mind you, I see my handwriting everyday... it's just my writing, and has never seemed to be anything special to me. But she loved it, and wanted to use if for this set! So, you see that "Happy Holidays" in the set, and on my card below? Yep... that's my writing! :) So I hope you'll play along today so you can get this free digi set! I think it'd be pretty darn cool to see some cards out their in blogland with my writing on them!

Stop over at the JUGS blog to see what their super-talented designers came up with using this wonderful digi-stamp set, and go get busy creating!

I am off to my friend Beth's house today to get busy cutting cardstock for my class next week at Stamping Around in Allentown, Pennsylvania! Beth and I will be hitting the road next Friday morning for the event, and I am so excited to get to meet so many new people!

Have a great weekend!

Stamps: Happy Holidays digital stamp set
Cardstock: green, black (Bazzill), designer paper (Making Memories)
Inks: marker (Copic)
Accessories: Nestabilities tags (Spellbinders), ribbon (craft supply).
(photograph courtesy of Google images... photographer unknown)


  1. OMG, Tammy!! I am sooo excited to meet you and LeAnne next week!!! I have butterflies just thinking about it!

    THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for joining us this week as our very first Guest Designer! ...and more than anything, THANK YOU for allowing me to use your handwriting for my very first digi set!!! I DO love your writing and yes, folks, it's true...I went crazy over it as soon as I saw it! LOL

    Your card is AMAZING, my friend! I love the photo you found and's PERFECT for this set. You really seem to have captured what I envisioned as a layout and couldn't put on paper. :O) Your coloring is FABULOUS! Maybe you can teach me something in Philly ;] ...and your sentiment looks AWESOME with your tilted, organdy bow! Soooo pretty!!

    So, thank you my dear for helping me out! I'm asking everyone who uses the set to use "Kristin Bueter Happy Holidays, Tammy Hershberger" as a tag if they use the set. Soooo hopefully we can find them in the online galleries later! Talk to you VERY soon!!

  2. Thanks so much for your contribution to Kristen's digi set this week. How cool to have your hand writing turned into a stamp! I love how you used your message here as a tag strung on a gorgeous gold ribbon. I am looking forward to see your stamp all over the digi world now!

  3. Tammy I LOVE your A+ handwriting!!! It's so pretty and easy to read. I adore your card with the snowy scene, too. I can't believe you cut out that lamp post! The little knobs were a challenge. We're SO happy that you agreed to help us out this way with Kristin's project - she did amazing work. It's great to have you as a Guest Designer this week. Thanks for supporting the JUGS *snort* again :-) Wish I was close enough to go to your class. Maybe someday... :-)

  4. Tammy, your card is beautiful! AND....that is sooo cool about your handwriting! It is a great font. Congrats to you!

  5. GORGEOUS!!! That picture is perfect with the lamp post and the lamp post is perfect for the picture! You've done it again! And, your handwriting is just as beautiful in person :)

  6. Great card Tammy! Your class sounds like a fun one...wish I lived close enough to go!

  7. Tammy, your card is STUNNING!!!! I had to look twice to see that it was a the wonderful digi stamps, too, and your hand writing is FABO!!!!

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


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