
Sunday, March 2, 2008

Thank you!

Just a quick note of thanks to everyone for all the great birthday wishes, and for participating in my Birthday Blog Candy giveaway! I sure hope Rachel checks in here sometime soon to claim her prize!

I had a wonderful day, and the topper was my husband taking me out to dinner last night, and then coming home to a cake baked by my wonderful daughters. Then, because I'd had so much to eat, I ended up zonking out! Had to rush my daughter Kelsey to church this morning for the beginning of 1st Communion instruction (she'll take her 1st Communion on Palm Sunday!) and then rushed off to Kaylie's volleyball tournament! As of right now, I think I've been gone more than I've been home in the last 72 hours, and haven't done much stamping! Very, very sad! I promise I'll be back up and running with something to upload by tomorrow evening! Thanks for sticking with me!

My blog counter is climbing, and I just love it! Thinking maybe 20K posts calls for another blog candy giveaway??? I've got lots of great new stuff coming in soon at the store... Hero Arts, Inkadinkao, Bo Bunny paper.... stayed tuned!

P.S. And I have to tell you... the Birthday Blog Candy thing was a ton of fun, but it's so nice not to see that blasted "Over the Hill" balloon at the top of the page anymore! :)


  1. Welcome back from the gloom of the 40 balloon. It wasn't too bad was it?

  2. I'm so glad I met you in time to share in your 40s bash! You are one kool chick and I'm so glad you had a GREAT birthday!

  3. I bet you are glad to get that Over The Hill off your blog! Happy to hear you had a special day! The sting should have worn off by now! Now having a b-day won't hurt for another 10 years!! LOL


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