
Saturday, March 8, 2008

Snowed In Sketch Challenge

Greeting from those of us buried again under the white stuff here in Northeast Ohio! I must say though, I can't complain about having a day with no where to go and nothing to do! EXCEPT that Mother Nature's notion of having another snow storm put a huge damper on the Northeast Ohio Shoebox Swap that was planned for today in Smithville! :( There were 15 of us gathering today to stamp and eat and talk and laugh! Mother Nature is definitely NOT a stamper! We'll have to reschedule it for another day, of course!

In the meantime, some of my best stamping friends came up with the idea of having our own Virtual Stamp Weekend within our thread on SCS. I decided to host a sketch challenge, and thought I'd share it here with you and if you want to participate also, please do! If you upload your card to SCS, please use the keywords BBSIVSWTammy (The letters stand for Buckeye Babes Snowed In Virtual Stamp Weekend!) And please post a link to your creation back here on this post, whether you post it on SCS or your blog. On Monday evening, March 10th I will draw one winner from everyone that participates to win a goodie bag of fun embellishments!

Here's the sketch (forgive my primitive drawing... I'm new to this!)

And it's based on this Gina K card I made the other day, but I'll do a new one for the weekend!

I hope you have time to partcipate! Have fun!


  1. I think I will work on this tonight!!
    I have a couple of ideas!!
    Sorry you are snowed in. I am pretty sick of the stuff myself.

  2. Oh how fun! If my kids let me stamp, I'll participate! We're snowed in here in Pittsburgh too!

  3. Stunning card!! :)

    You can send some snow over here if you wish - we've barely had any!!


  4. Hey Tammy, thanks for posting this sketch to your blog. Your sample card is awesome - can't wait to see what else you come up with. Here is my contribution: TFL

  5. I was looking for a sketch to do and I like this one, I will link back when I get a card made. Off to start!!

  6. We received a little snow this morning, but nothing that stuck. Here's a link to the card I did:

    Thanks for sharing your sketches!

  7. Tammy... I've never participated in a challenge before - you're my first. I haven't learned to start a gallery on SCS yet (that'll be my next chalenge). So I posted them on my blog. Here is my blog website (where I posted the cards I made).

    -Maureen (Moe) Buck

  8. Great card, I finally got a chance to use your sketch. My post is on my blog at:
    Thanks for sharing your sketch!

  9. What a great sketch, Tammy! Sorry you had to cancel your get together, but a virtual stamp day was a great substitute.
    Your card is beautiful! I love those colors!
    Have a great day and I hope you get spring weather soon!

  10. What a pretty card! I love your layout and color....great job :)

  11. This is sooo pretty, Tammy. Need to make a birthday card so maybe I can find some time to play. This one looks like springtime...fresh and beautiful.

  12. Oh, I just love your card! Great colour scheme


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