
Thursday, January 31, 2008

Check out my rack!

Haha! That title had you thinking, didn't it?

Check out this great rack I brought home from the store yesterday! It was used for Ertl cars and farm toys but we don't need it anymore, so it took a trip straight to my Stamping Sanctuary last night, and I love it! There is room for all my wood-mounted stamps with room to spare, and even space for some paper on the bottom shelf!


  1. Wow Tammy, how cool is that! You can pick the stamp you want at a glance! Now you should be able to make 2 or 3 cards in the time it took to make 1 before, right??? LOL Looks fantastic . . . good for you! Darlene

  2. great find.. What a great way to recycle something that they might have thrown away otherwise..

  3. I'm extremely jealous. I need something like this just for my punches!

  4. This is really awesome Tammy! I just found your blog through Tracy's (Tracy's Happy Place) and she told me to check it out and I am sooo glad I did! You have a great blog and I will be back often!! And, 40 is not so bad - I turned 40 last February and even though I was dreading it, I made it through they day and now I am five days away from 41 - LOL! Take care and I will be back! *STAMPIN HUGS* Alex

  5. LOL...I wish I had a rack like you. (Cracking myself up).
    Hugs and grins

  6. Wow, nice rack!!! LOL.

    What a great idea to put that to good use. I am so jealous, you can just grab and go with a glance! have piles...upon piles...upon piles. Hmm, maybe I have too many piles? :)

  7. This is such a Great idea for storing stamps! I love that you can see what you have without all the stamps lining the walls like wallpaper!


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