
Sunday, June 24, 2007

Say hello to ???

Say hello to the newest member of our family!!! He doesn't have a name yet. Some possibilites are "Ranger" or "Earnhardt" but I think he'd have to be called "Jr." in that case. I also like Jackson, and call him "Jack" but we're leaving it go for a few days until we get to know him a little better. He is a 3 month old Australian shepherd, and very sweet! Come over soon to meet him in person!
10:30 p.m. It's a little sooner than I wanted... thought we give it a day or two to get to know him better before we decided on a name, but the name "Dexter" was suggested and we all loved it! So, I now officially introduce "DEXTER!"


  1. Welcome to your new baby! He looks like a real sweetie. (Do like the name "Jack"!) Congrats on your newest family member!

  2. I'm so glad you chose Dexter! Great name!

  3. Oh my goodness, what a sweetie! I think that Samantha and I will hav to come for a visit sometime soon, she is here with me on my lap and she wants to know if she visits, "if she can cuddle with him and let him lick her cheeks"
    LOL I love her questions LOL


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